Parallel Levels... what are they?
Parallel Levels are parallel realities where some things have already happened and you will see later all I write about them, also I am all the time learning more because the more I write the more knowledge I get.
Parallel levels are parallel realities which exist. According to my current knowledge there are seven parallel levels. But I wouldn't surprise if there were more and more wonderful levels.
First parallel level:
How it begins: It happened to me when I was a child and I thought I am ill, but didn't tell anyone because they hadn't take me to the doctor. I was sitting on the floor putting my shoes on. Suddenly I heard kind of sough in my head and as suddenly I was looking myself from the first level. I know it now, but didn't know it at the time because I was so little girl. I was not dizzy and on earthly level I was sitting on the floor and did nothing because of wondering what happens. It happened often. If you want to let the parallel levels into your life don't be affraid; I was a kid and it was easy because of that but we adults think immediately that we are ill when we hear some sough and hurry to call a doctor; let it come but I have to tell you if it don't bring you to the first level you must call the doctor.
I have told in Eternal Light how I was taken to the first parallel level. What craft took me there when I could go there myself too. I was looking myself from the first level and being there I thought : "Why I am doing that again" when I know better I shouldn't do it.
In Helsinki when in my garden was often people and once I went to the first level looking us all from that level. Seeing things from there let me see what is really important and what is not. The small things are really big issues in spiritual life and eartly big things ...the most of them are worth nothing.
What is also extraordinary: My thoughts on Earthly level are different as on the first level ...BUT...I cannot look anyone into their eyes; which is my habit; because my soul consciousness was not presence on the Eartly level. It was on the first level. I can go to the first level any time I want to, it has been so long time in my life.Interesting question is what craft took me there? So we come back to this question later.
Second level is the level where my spiritual guide is. If you have an universal spiritual quide or if you have found him/her, that is the second level. Everyone has an universal spiritual guide but do you ever find him (using form he/him starting now because mine is he) is another question. As much your spiritual guide would like to contact you , it is not allowed according to the universal law. You must have enourmous "fire" to find him and you will. As told in Eternal Light the spiritual guide don't make your life easier maybe the opposite because finding him you will be tuned in so many questions which have bothered you over the years and you would like to ask all the questions at the same time. It is not working like that. You have a question but the mission of the quide is to put you thinking...and one day you have the answer to that question. I have a habit to discuss with my guide while washing dishes. That is work when you don't need to think.
Third parallel level:
Third parallel level is the level from where my healingwork is guided. There have been many guides in there. First it was a man, then it was a woman and after that an Angel. The Angel is speaking through me to the patient and as told they (= I have seen there are many angels talking about me in a cirkle) wanted me to go to trance but I refused because I am responsible what comes out from my mouth. It had to wait untill they discovered the forgetting. When I turn around in the healingroom I have forgotten all of it because it was for the patient not for me. Already long time the words come into my consciousness half a second before they come out from my mouth. I could stop the speaking but never needed. When the Angel is speaking the voice is not mine.
Fourth Parallel level:
These people which are blessed have kind of white dress on and they look like young healthy adults. If there is a child she/he will grow up there to young adult untill they can go forwards. The doesn't look like ghosts but healthy people. There are also kind of brawl spirits and those who doesn't believe they are dead and try to materialize. But that is the own chapter later on.Fourth parallel level is the level where the "so called dead" people are. I say are because the people who want to show us themselves aswell the people with whom we have decided to show up eachother will be there. meaning fx. my cousin and me decided to show up whichone goes first. My cousin went first and my aunt whom I had seen many times came with my cousin to me. To keep the word is important. It is wrong to say will be...all souls continue the way untill the end where everything start from the beginning. That is the level where we cannot go awake, otherwise we have to stay there. I have been there asleep in my Grandmothers and Grandfathers dreamhouse. It is possible to create a dreamplace in there for a while. My Grandma asked me to stay there because all was so awfull in my real life to me. My Grandpa was a very wise man and he said to my Grandma...she cannot stay here yet and made the horses ready to bring me to the railwaystation of that place. There I lived by their rules the night I was there.
Fift parallel level is the level where all the catastrohies of the Earth happen and some of us are allowed to see them in advantage. Advantage is not a real word here because there is no time, so actually the catastrophes are happening just when you see it first time. When you see the same happening in TV you see it second time. Sometimes it is very difficult to see all the awfull issues happen again and again. When the WTC destruction happened, I didn't see it in advantage but happened like this: I was watching it in TV, suddenly my spiritual soul was ripped of my body and taken into the towers to see and hear and feel all the prayers, hope, desperation, believing to survive, people turning mad and jumping from the windows...the most people are always hopefull untill the end. Why I had to see and feel all this horror and desperation aswell the prayers and hope. Again what craft ripped my spiritual soul into the WTC-towers?
Fifth parallel level still:
I have been in Melbourne in a firerain. What will cause the firerain in Melbourne and let's see when it is topical happening. I have seen the Melbourne firerain years ago. There was only one airplane and that was ment only to us...people who aregoing to help others now and forever untill the soul is leaving the body to go to another mission.
The fifth level is also the level where you get the knowledge about what will happen in the future like my prophecy about the Equalization of the Earth. That is not something I have cooked up in my I have known it already for years. I think it was not accidently when I came in here care2 for searching a card to send, I had never heard about care2 and after sending the cards I began to look what this place is. Here I found also the forum whom I can speak about those issues. What is very usual people don't believe and they make me a grazy and unwanted person but whatever will come I am standing behind my words 100%.
Summary the fift parallel level is where you see the catastrophes and prophesies which happen in the fift level at the time you see it. You will see them happen on Eartly level later on.
SIXTH PARALLEL LEVEL = The Room of Knowledge
Sixth parallel level is a level where the souls come after they have cleared up the past incarnation. They have had to go to universal scool in the cases when they have committed suicide. I have spoken with a gilrl which did that (=spoken with the girl after her death) and she told me about the scool. If the soul has gone through a terrible traumatic death they are in universal hospital to treated (= I have seen Princess Diana waking up in that hospital) before they can rest and after that they come to the sixth level. The people which have died peacefully and have resting a while...what ever any soul need, after that they come to the sixth level.Sixth level is the place where the karma of the past incarnation is counted. I have a vision of a place where the soul must look the past incarnation like a film and after that there will be a kind of score. The amount of the good karma and the amount of the bad karma. There will be calculated which it is going to be. Has this soul learned anything during the incarnation which he/she (=using he from now on) has gone through or is it so that that he must start the next incarnation from lower step than the past incarnation.
In the cases of committed sueside it it always so that how much good karma they had earned in the past incarnation it is not counted because they have taken the universal law into their own hands and cut the incarnation. Therefore they are first in the universal scool to learn how to face the problems they couldn't handle. This time it will be so that in the room of Universal Knowledge they cannot choose the incarnation which they get before they come as winners into that room too. These souls may spend some time still resting and then they will go to the "waiting room" as a little girl (=dead one) told me.
When it is the issue about an usual case the soul is looking his score and he can decide how much karma he want to clear up in the next incarnation. Souls always have the free will (Exept the suecidal) souls. The soul is making his choice for the next incarnation and is going to the waiting room. Then the soul will rebirth and don't remember what kind of mission he has when he is back on Earth. Then are coming the soul which has cleared all incarnations on the Earth and he will be sent to the seventh level.
SEVENTH PARALLEL LEVEL =The Room of Ultimate Knowledge
The soul which has cleared all the earthly incarnations and comes into this space where the Ultimate Knowledge is, there is counted how many incarnations has been before the soul has gone as far as he now is. This is a space where are weighing up which universal mission this soul is ready to take now. There are other planets where the forms of life are different as ours and there are also the mission as Universal Spiritual Guide for people on the Earth. We know for sure that the mission as Universal Spiritual Guide for the people on Earth is not the best one. But there are many kind of souls as there are many kinds of people. There are greedy souls which want to take too much to carry for one incarnation, there are lazy souls which take as less to carry as possible. That's why there is the room where the Ultimate Knowledge space. That mission are considering higher beings and they suggest a mission to that soul and one of the missions that soul will take. so the cirkeling of the soul will continue.
Copyright Leiah Sariell